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Monday, September 5, 2011

Negotiations fail to deliver the Bani Walid Libyan peacefully .. And the rebels were preparing to attack

An official in the Transitional National Assembly presided over the round of negotiations with tribal elders in the Bani Walid Libya, the collapse of negotiations that were designed to deliver the city to rebels peacefully.
Abdullah said as Kinsal Kperalmfawdan The negotiations ended on their part, adding that tribal elders said they did not want talks. He stated that the Transitional Council, negotiators have made too many concessions in the last minute.
And, the rebels reinforced their position on the ground as they surrounded the Bani Walid from all sides are at a distance of kilometers of which have their attack on the city in the coming hours.
In another development, denied Colonel Ahmed builder, spokesman for the Ministry of Defence Libyan be Abdullah Sanusi intelligence director, Gaddafi is to kill the raid that took place on a convoy of Thurs Gaddafi on the road to Tarhunah and confirmed that he died in the incident are Thurs Gaddafi and Mohammed Sanusi
Earlier Sunday, pregnancy-Saadi Gaddafi, in a television interview his brother, Saif al-Islam responsible for stalling the negotiations with the rebels on the Bani Walid, stressing that the dialogue stopped after the last words to his brother on Wednesday.
Saadi was told to "Arab" last Wednesday that he charged the dialogue with the rebels, but his brother Saif occur on the same day calling for the continuation of the fighting.
The rebels had prepared military preparations Court to enter the Bani Walid in the event of failure of the negotiations, it is Misurata came more than six hundred of the rebels and stationed 60 kilometers north of Bani Walid, and the southern side, and reached a group of rebels Tarhunah south of Tripoli, and arrived to the area of ​​the Maltese, 40 km .
And established the rebels also line the face of another, about 30 km from the city and Toqoha from the West, and without resistance, applied to the town from the east side since Saturday evening, which saw, as the rebels out a convoy of about 30 cars belonging to the al-Gaddafi of the town towards the town of Sirte via the river, but was hit by NATO planes.
The city fell under the control of the rebels, will pave the way for them to the hometown of Sirte, Gaddafi's, built for Walid located on the road link between Sirte and Tripoli, 180 southeast of the capital, following the administrative city of Sirte, where one of the largest Libyan tribes are the tribes and Rafla who Tzmt the city in their name "Bani Walid."

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