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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The iPhone 5 would be released 4 October

Apple Introduces the iPhone 5 Tuesday, October 4, said today AllThingsD, a blog of the Wall Street Journal, based on "sources close". The presentation will be first carried out by Tim Cook, who took over from Steve Jobs in August to head the company. AllThingsD acknowledges that the date can still be changed to "any time".

5 The iPhone should be sold in the weeks following the presentation. A few days ago, the head of the operator Orange, Stéphane Richard, said to expect to sell the new phone in its stores "around October 15." Some 22 million iPhones next generation will be produced in three months, according to DigiTimes.

Confidences of Apple employees

The release of the iPhone 5 results for several weeks at a frenzied hunt for clues least on the Internet. Sites in China have made ​​several parts that belong to the future Apple phone, while the manufacturer covers Case-Mate has posted inadvertently sized models of the iPhone 5.

According to anonymous secrets from Apple employees delivered the New York Times, the iPhone 5 will be "very different" from its predecessor. It will include the A5 processor seen in the iPad 2 and an 8-megapixel photo sensor. The iPhone should be assisted by a 4 iPhone updated and sold cheaper, and a new range of iPod.

The new iPhone will be faced with a solid array of Android phones, which are steadily gaining market share. Already the majority in sales each month, the system Google has become the most used in France among smartphone owners in July, with a share of use of 28.5% against 26.4% for Apple.

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