Compteur des visites

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Moroccan government accelerated the electoral laws introduced to the King

As a first step in a process to accelerate the pace of the ongoing preparations for the organization of early parliamentary elections, which will be held in Morocco during the month of November next, a government source said that the official "election laws will be presented to a ministerial council chaired by next Thursday, King Mohammed VI."
Linked party sources, "the government had resorted to accelerate the pace of providing regulatory laws related to early elections in the State Council, who chaired by Prime Minister Abbas El Fassi, Majlisi Ministerial, which is expected to be chaired by King Mohammed VI on Thursday, the willingness of government parties, along with four of the largest opposition parties, Morocco, the special session of Parliament as soon as possible. "
And reduced government official, "the importance of the lack of total consensus between the parties about the terms of Morocco's electoral laws."
The same source said "there is a set of points that received a consensus between the components of the Moroccan party," As for the points of contention that we "will be decisive in the Parliament during its special session in the fourth week of this month."
A source authorized by the Independence Party, said that "a group of Moroccan parties seeking to accomplish the practical steps to bring the reforms contained in the Constitution to the ground."
He added that "the Moroccan Parliament is invited to consider many of the laws relating to the election, and regulatory laws for parliamentarians and parties along with those of related regulations and the election, and this calls for a special session this month at the latest and we have no other choice, parties, conscious of this matter."
To that government sources said that "the Liberal Party is heading towards a softening of his position rejecting the date for early parliamentary elections on 25 November."
The source pointed out that "the Liberal Party, which is available on the ample chances to win one of the top three in the parliamentary elections, according to political observers, showed a flexible attitude to this." "The face of the Liberal Party need to demand the early convening of the Ministerial Council to display the draft electoral laws, and this positive attitude in itself."
The National Rally of Independents had issued a statement two weeks ago announced the "decision not to accept the date announced by the Moroccan Interior Minister to hold early parliamentary elections."Officials made no secret of the party believed that the choice of the history of the 25 of November to hold early elections, the decision is directed against the party that is a candidate for the leadership of its president the next government in the event issued by the elections. "
They said the party chairman, Salah Eddine Mezouar who serves as the Ministry of Finance in the government of Abbas El Fassi, it will be busy discussing the draft budget law, which force him not to stand for election, which was not accepted by the party, and was the reason for making the Executive Office of the sudden decision, and sees the party return to the 28 of October reasonable date for the organization benefits.

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